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What is the Iliopsoas Muscle?


The iliopsoas muscle is the most powerful muscle in your body, and it runs from your pelvis to your foot. But it is not often talked about or even researched. Why? Because it is a muscle that cannot be seen or felt—you can`t see the two large muscles that run down your sides—it`s only when they become painful or weak that you become aware of their presence. Let’s read below to know more about what iliopsoas muscle is.

Knowing More About Iliopsoas Muscle

The iliopsoas is the longest of the four hip flexors, and it runs from the top of the pelvis (the hip joint) to the top of the thigh (the knee joint). It is one of the three muscles that make up the lower two-thirds of the lateral back of the thigh. It is composed of the following segments: iliacus, psoas major, and psoas minor. Together, the iliopsoas muscle forms the fascia lata, a sheet of connective tissue covering most of the anterior and lateral portions of the thigh (shin).

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The iliopsoas is a two-headed muscle that runs down either side of the pelvis, connecting the hip to the knee. It`s a large, powerful muscle used in everyday exercises, like lifting objects, running, jumping, squatting, and more specific ones like reverse leg curls, leg extensions, and leg curls. It is the main muscle responsible for hip extension or raising the leg. This muscle is also part of the abdominal exoskeleton and is responsible for preventing movement of the ribs while breathing, thus contributing to the arch of the rib cage.

What Causes the Pain in This Particular Muscle?

While it isn`t the only muscle that moves the hip, the iliopsoas is the most important. The iliopsoas is one of four thigh muscles. It lies deep within the thigh, on top of the psoas major. During normal activity, it is primarily responsible for the movement of the leg. However, when the iliopsoas muscle becomes inflamed, the condition is known as iliopsoas syndrome and may be a cause of pain or instability in the hip joint. When the muscle is weak, it can put pressure on the sciatic nerve. This can lead to pain and leg weakness.

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When iliopsoas muscle weakens, it can lead to common problems like back pain, groin pain, low back pain, and pain in the ankle. The pain may be acute or chronic. In the concrete world, people will have them strengthened by doing the exercises.

Strengthening Muscles Through Exercise

Now that we have already known about what iliopsoas muscle is, it’s the perfect time to learn ways how we can strengthen this muscle. The Iliopsoas muscle is located in the area between the hipbones and plays a role in hip extension, particularly when walking or running.  It is a small muscle, which works in conjunction with other muscles to control the movement of the thigh.  It also extends the knee and controls the movement of the leg.  

Additionally, the Iliopsoas muscle works closely with other muscles to extend and flex the knee.  It is used in all the major exercises that work through the hip area, such as the Squat and Deadlift, to help with these movements.  With a healthy diet, exercise routine, and proper stretching, this muscle can be strengthened